Fan Art


Old Fanart, Page 2

New Fanart                    Old Fanart, Page 1

Our final piece of fanart from Alan, this one's of everyone's favorite  Pirate, Bikke!  

Another piece of fanart from Alan, this one's of the Original N-Team.

One of our many bits  of fanart from Alan Bates, this is a collection of various scenes from the comic itself.  My favorite is Samus talking to eggplant wizard.
Our second of two pieces from Brendan O'Flaherty, this is a very likely ending for the Magus/Mario crossover story.  I laughed when I saw this one.  Check out his deviant art site located here This is the first of two pieces from Brendan O'Flaherty, a nice looking collection of several of the characters from the comic.  I especially like the Samus and X pictures. Our second piece by Carmichael Micaalus, this one's Alex hanging out with one of his favorite Video Land hotties.  This must be a dream sequence....
A Captain SNES movie?  Well, probably not, but here's what a poster for a movie might look like.  The Pic's borrowed from Ronin S, and the poster itself is done up by Kyle Spectre.  Take some time to look at the credits. This is a nice piece I got from a fan called Ronin S.  This is by far the most accurate reflection of the Captain's feelings as of late.  When you see this, you'll feel his pain.
Here's a new piece from Eric Hamilton over at Partygoers.

Our second piece by Kodeir, this one's an abject lesson in the corrupting influence of absolute power.  Let the wise be wary of the peril.
Our first piece by Kodeir, this little bad boy shows the setup of a scenario that I intend to do at some point, a showdown between Alex and Black Mage.  Nice. Another pencil sketch done up by my cousin Lyla, and another one I've been sitting on for a couple of months now.  I think she's telling me Cap needs pants....
This is the second piece of fanart done by my cousin, Lyla.  I've been sitting on this one for two or three months now, constantly forgetting to put it up.  I'm an idiot, yo.    

A collage done by Xuncu, with the cap goin' ballistic on... well I don't know.  That's the problem of being on the receiving end of a 30 megawatt plasma blast.  We won't even be able to check the dental records.  Thanks Xuncu.
A nice shot of Palom freakin' out about his secret fear, done by James Adcox..  I don't know why he's complaining so much.  Looking like a girl is an excellent way to pick up lesbians.  And what 14 year old boy doesn't want that?