Comic Archives
Full list of archived comics.
Full list of archived comics.
February 21 | | | #936 Return of the Prince |
September 13 | | | #935 Red, not Dead |
September 6 | | | #934 Seeing Red |
December 8 | | | #933 Dying to Speak |
February 17 | | | #932 A Pinch of Salt |
December 30 | | | #931 Purple Shadow |
December 17 | | | #930 Formalities Between princes |
October 1 | | | #929 Run Down Revival |
September 10 | | | #928 …kills us, over and over again |
September 3 | | | #927 That which does not make you stronger… |
May 28 | | | #926 Word Choice |
January 8 | | | #925 Unconventional Warfare |
May 15 | | | #924 Poor Phraseology |
April 17 | | | #923 Chain of Thought |
April 10 | | | #922 79/20 = 3, Remainder 19 |
April 3 | | | #921 Inverse |
June 28 | | | #920 A Helping Hand (Of Darkness) |
May 24 | | | #919 Feet to the Fire |
April 12 | | | #918 War. War Never Changes |
March 1 | | | #917 Shell Shocked |
December 21 | | | #916 …and Smarter than the Smarties |
October 26 | | | #915 Tougher than the toughies… |
August 3 | | | #914 Villain’s First Rule |
July 17 | | | #913 No Sale |
July 10 | | | #912 It tolls for thee! |
April 20 | | | #911 For Whom the Bell Tolls |
March 23 | | | #910 Seeing is Believing |
March 9 | | | #909 Actions are Stronger |
February 16 | | | #908 Have we been here before? |
January 7 | | | Date Captain SNES II: The End! |
December 31 | | | DCSII: True Love Ending: Part 3 |
December 24 | | | DCSII: TRUE LOVE ENDING: Part 2 |
December 17 | | | DCSII: TRUE LOVE ENDING: Part 1 |
November 3 | | | #907 Cat Person |
October 27 | | | #906 The Sounds of Love |
October 20 | | | #905 Climbing the Widow’s Peak |
October 13 | | | #904 Remembering What Matters |
October 6 | | | Itsa Happening |
September 29 | | | #903 His Heel-Face Turn |
September 22 | | | #902 The Hard Truth |
September 15 | | | #901 Nine and a Half Mohs |
September 1 | | | #900 Bottles of Beer on the Wall |
August 25 | | | #899 Tearing Down the Wall that Divides |
August 18 | | | #898 Turning the Page |
August 11 | | | #897 Party in his Pants |
August 4 | | | #896 Genre Blindness |
July 28 | | | #895 Deep Impression |
July 21 | | | #894 Smiling on the Inside |
July 14 | | | #893 The Shape of an L |
July 7 | | | #892 Bazooka Diplomacy |
June 30 | | | #891 Jeopardy |
June 23 | | | #890 The Form of a Question |
June 16 | | | #889 A Bitter Defeat |
June 9 | | | #888 Reshuffle |
June 2 | | | #887 The Pitfalls of Villainy |
May 26 | | | #886 It’s a Punchline |
November 30 | | | #885 A Rifle Hanging on the Wall |
September 7 | | | #884 Race to the Bottom |
August 3 | | | #883 Puzzle the Wizard |
July 20 | | | #882 The Great Search |
June 22 | | | #881 Brain Puzzle |
June 15 | | | #880 Python’s Revenge |
June 1 | | | #879 Laughingstock Might Be an Upgrade |
May 11 | | | #878 Maternal Revelation |
April 27 | | | #877 Sarcasm Double-Backfire |
April 20 | | | #876 Prototypica |
April 6 | | | #875 Let the SkullF*$#@ery Commence |
March 30 | | | #874 Contingencies Planned and Unplanned For |
March 23 | | | #873 Reassessment |
March 16 | | | #872 …In The Wall |
March 9 | | | #871 Blocking it Out |
March 2 | | | #870 Doggedly Questioned |
February 24 | | | #869 Completely Puzzled |
February 17 | | | #868 Parable of the Ass |
February 10 | | | #867 Kawaii Crash |
November 4 | | | #866 Outsmarting Oneself |
September 28 | | | #865 Trunkated Scene |
August 28 | | | #864 Golden Secret |
August 17 | | | #863 How to Make Friends and Incapacitate People |
August 5 | | | #862 Pen Name? Sir Butz a Lot |
July 10 | | | #861 For PETES Sake |
July 8 | | | #860 In Case You’ve Forgotten |
July 6 | | | #859 Diggin’ It |
May 4 | | | #858 Unforgettable Lessons About Forgetting |
March 13 | | | #857 Whitewashing |
March 8 | | | Date Captain SNES Finals Part 2 |
January 28 | | | #856 Dead Silence |
January 23 | | | #855 Black Humor |
December 10 | | | #854 Cursed Luck |
December 7 | | | Date Captain SNES II Finals Part 1 |
November 4 | | | #853 Maturity |
November 2 | | | Lead-in to the Finals |
October 26 | | | Omega League Finals, Part 3 |
October 22 | | | #852 Status Quo is the One True God |
October 19 | | | Omega League Finals, Part 2 |
October 3 | | | #851 A Black and White Situation |
August 13 | | | #850 An Unexpected Reward |
July 10 | | | Happy Anniversary |
July 9 | | | #849 Remedy for Love |
June 27 | | | #848 Hubris? A Coward’s Word |
May 26 | | | #847 He says she says |
May 19 | | | #846 Its Own Reward |
April 28 | | | #845 Misdirected Moment |
April 11 | | | #844 The Unsubtle Future |
March 31 | | | #843 Kattastrophe |
March 26 | | | #842 Executive Power |
March 17 | | | #841 Not a Politician, but a Statesman! |
February 5 | | | #840 Pipe Dreams |
November 13 | | | #600 The Two Fold Prison |
November 10 | | | #599 Red, Blue, and Green |
October 27 | | | #598 Deserting |
October 23 | | | #597 Misdirected Context |
October 13 | | | #596 The Long Road |
September 29 | | | #585 Evolution of Character |
September 18 | | | #594 Noted Memo |
September 11 | | | #593 The Doctors’ Prognosis |
September 8 | | | #592 Closing the Door |
September 4 | | | #591 Subtext |
September 1 | | | #590 Hip to be Squared |
August 28 | | | #589 Playing with Power |
August 25 | | | #588 Final Words of Terror |
August 21 | | | #587 The Art in War |
August 18 | | | #586 The ‘shot Heard Round the Worlds |
August 14 | | | #585 Breaking Point |
August 1 | | | #584 Eyes wide Open to the World now New |
July 21 | | | #583 Civil Showdown |
July 17 | | | #582 Wave of Hope |
June 13 | | | #581 Emerald Dawn |
June 2 | | | #580 Meaning of the Words |
May 1 | | | #579 Meta-man |
March 24 | | | #578 How Soon we Forget |
February 10 | | | #577 Sovereign Blues |
February 3 | | | #576 Voice Over |
January 31 | | | #575 Lead by Example |
January 3 | | | #574 An Important Lesson |
December 25 | | | #573 Silence Speaks Mega-Volumes |
December 19 | | | #572 Shadows Cast in Darkness |
December 16 | | | #571 Wave of Sorrow |
September 23 | | | #570 The Worst Truth |
September 16 | | | #569 The Best Lie |
September 12 | | | #568 Revelation of Plans |
August 12 | | | #567 Defeat |
July 10 | | | #566 Falling Mercury |
June 6 | | | #565 Broken |
March 30 | | | #564 Downhill Slide |
March 20 | | | #563 Unwelcome Appeal |
March 12 | | | #562 Revisiting a Threat |
March 8 | | | #561 The Prophetic Invisible Hand |
March 4 | | | #560 Indirect Attack |
March 1 | | | #559 A Small Slip |
February 26 | | | #558 Playing the Fool |
February 21 | | | #557: Playing your Strengths |
January 19 | | | #556 Family Matters |
November 13 | | | #555: Dated Material |
November 10 | | | #554 Ruminations on Shrubbery |
October 8 | | | #553 The Frantic Saiyan |
September 22 | | | #552 Breaking Bonds |
September 1 | | | #551 Better Left Unsaid |
August 28 | | | #550 Embrace of Power |
August 14 | | | #549 Bitter Defeat |
August 9 | | | #548 Asking Politely |
July 25 | | | #547 Five words never to be spoken |
July 21 | | | #546 Mouse got his tongue |
July 17 | | | #545 Opportunity Strikes |
June 21 | | | #544 Misread Gesture |
June 1 | | | #543 Interpositioning… Interrupted |
May 22 | | | #542 Slippery Slope |
May 15 | | | #541 Telltale Beating… |
May 11 | | | #540: Noble thought, foolish deed |
May 8 | | | #539 Righting Wright |
May 4 | | | #538 Ultimate Power! |
May 1 | | | #537: Foreshadowing of Doom |
April 27 | | | #536: Little Red Lies |